Shel Maala
A Digital-First, Queer Yeshiva
Upcoming/Current Classes
Help returning Shel Maala teacher Olivia Devorah find Shekhina in texts from Talmud and Kabbalah together, all about Divine Presence
Join Shel Maala, your online queer Yeshiva, live in Seattle, for a weekend of Shabbat services, delicious dinner, and hardcore Talmud study
About Us
Shel Maala is a digital-first queer Yeshiva, founded in 5781(/2020), in the deep belly of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our dream is to serve as a fully-stocked, radically irreverent, unapologetically gay Yeshiva in cyberspace, so that every Jew who can access the internet can access joyful, raucous, soul-enlivening queer Talmud, 24/6 (minus shabbes!).
We rely on your support as a community to sustain our learning and make it accessible to all who want it. Whatever form that support takes, we are sincerely grateful for your contribution.
You can donate on a one-time or monthly basis here (
If you'd like to donate in another fashion (venmo, paypal, etc) please send an email to
You can set up a one-time or monthly donation, via Ribbon, here.