Divine Decay: How Jewish Wisdom Teaches Us to Love Letting Go
Shel Maala, your favorite online queer Yeshiva, is coming DOWN FROM THE CLOUD for the *first time ever*, in partnership with Shir Tikvah of Portland, to offer a weekend of prayer, gay content and shtark Talmud learning in the Pacific Northwest
The weekend of November 10-12, Rosh Yeshivas Xava and Binya will be flying into PDX to lead:
- Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat
- Saturday Morning Torah Study
- Saturday Night Havdallah
- Sunday Full Day of Learning
Saturday Torah study and Havdallah are free and open to the public - just show up! Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat is also open to all who register at this link. This is the signup form for the Sunday Full Day of Learning. Here’s the details on that:
- When: Sunday Nov 12, 1-6pm (includes a break in the middle!)
- Where: East Side Jewish Commons
- You can come with a study partner, or we’ll pair you up with someone at your level
- Knowing your alefbet is a prerequisite, and we can help you learn it for this class if needed. If you haven’t studied in the Svara method, you’ll be expected to watch an intro video. See more below
- We’ll be studying an amazing Mishna about Hashem, creation, and the wisdom of loss.
Here’s more on the text we’ll be studying:
Why don’t things last forever? What was on HaShem’s mind when She was creating the world? The answers given to us by the Sages can teach us about why things fall apart and how to let go when they do. In xevruta learning pairs, we’ll explore this wisdom and Berukha HaShem we’ll get to bring it to you live!
Sunday Nov 12, 1-6pm
East Side Jewish Commons, 2420 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232
Rough Timeline:
Intro 1-1:45pm
Xevruta 1:45-3:15 (pair learning)
Break 3:15-3:45
Shiur 3:45-5:30 (full group learning)
Wrap-up 5:30-6
Accessibility notes:
- ADA Accessible
- Break, snacks and water
- Scent-free
- Large-font materials and visual aids available
- Air purifiers, class held in a large and airy atrium
- Xava and Binya will be tested for COVID each day of the full weekend
- Masks required. During pair learning, can unmask if learning outside or in a closed side-room by themselves
This is a text study class, where text will be learned in the Svara method of Talmud study. Previous knowledge of this method is not necessary to sign up, but you will be expected to watch the intro video(s) we will email you, if you are new to the method.
Knowing your alef-bet (Jewish alphabet) is a prerequisite. If you would like to learn your alef-bet for this class, we can help you do so, so just indicate that in your form
Learning will be a mix of full group and xevruta (pair) study. You will be matched with a xevruta (study partner) after registration, based on the answers you provide!
There will be snacks, a break, and lots of fun vibes and discussion. If you haven’t been in a physical Talmud learning space before, come and get excited!
This class is $54, pay what you can. Full sliding scale will be shown at checkout.
If you have any questions please email: shelmaalayeshiva@gmail.com