Shel Maala: Intro to Your Talmud Toolbelt
Come spend your last Wednseday evening in June stocking up your Talmud Toolbelt with Shel Maala, the digital-first queer yeshiva.
This is a FREE crash course-session designed for anyone new to the SVARA method of Talmud learning or for those who just want a refresher. Together, we’ll gather up some sweet gadgets and tools, and geek out as we walk through the basics of the method that we’ve been handed down from our teachers and that our yeshiva is built around. You'll learn how to xevruta (study in traditional talmud pairs), how to use your dictionaries, tips for finding the root of ancient Aramaic + Hebrew words (even without knowing the language!) and much much more. At the end of it all, you’ll be able to study 2000 year-old talmud texts, in their original, unvocalized language, JUST with these tools. It sounds unbelievable, but believe us - we learned it this way too!
If you're planning to take future Shel Maala classes and you haven't learned in this method before, come to this class so you can be prepared. This class will be recorded for future usage by Shel Maala students.
Helpful pre-req for this class: Know your alef-bet! We’ll be posting some pre-class material in the event feed for those who want to learn the aleph bet. You can still attend this class if you do not
Zoom Link:
Wednesday, 6/30
5-6:30PM PST/8-9:30PM EST
Access Info:
There will be live captioners for this event, and one 10 minute break
Xava De Cordova is a disabled, Sefradi, Mizraxi trans woman and co-host of the world's first Queer Talmud podcast, "Xai, how are you?". She is a long-time SVARA-style Talmud learner who got her start as a teacher by creating Beit Midrash Behind Bars, an organization that facilitated Jewish learning opportunities for incarcerated people in Washington State. She lives in Providence, RI, where she regularly produces Jewish ritual theatre (or did, before the pandemic) and does her best to steward the radical tradition she's been blessed to inherit.
Binya Kóatz is a sefardi / ashki / moroccan / argentinean / ukranian / french trans jewish torah-lover, who writes poetry, organizes jewish community and sings and dances with her foremothers. she revels in languages, and can’t *believe* the radical gay anarchist tradition she’s been tasked with carrying forth. originally from the alte heim in Queens, she currently resides on Ohlone Land in the East Bay.