Check out these recordings from past classes below
Shel Maala's Daf Topic series explores the magical world of Hebrew and Aramaic roots!
Dagesh: The Lil' Dot that Could
Part of the Miraculous Minutiae series, Shel Maala presents "Dagesh: The Lil' Dot that Could", exploring the ins and outs of one mysterious and wonderful little dot that can expand our understanding of our tradition.
Flippy Vav: Time-Travelling Prefixes and Ancient Biblical Storytelling
This is Shel Maala's class on the funky biblical vav!
Frootcamp: The Bare-amaic Essentials
Our Aramaic essentials class from the Frootcamp series!
Frootcamp: The Shape of the Daf
The first session of our Frootcamp series!
Miraculous Minutiae: Jastrow Journey
Shel Maala presents an in-depth journey, through the dicitonary-turned-queer-icon - Jastrow.
Osef HaMesorot - A Run Thru on a Resource for Diasporic Recordings of Mishna, Torah and More
Learning anti-colonial Talmud in honor of Indigenous People's Day
Shel Maala explores how different conversion was in the time of the Mishnah, and what that means for us today!
A shiur exploring licentiousness and a little-known trancestor in Masekhet Avodah Zarah.
Shel Maala: Intro to Your Talmud Toolbelt
Everything you need to know to study in a Svara-style bes midrash! Presented by Xava & Binya of Shel Maala - a digital-first, queer yeshiva
Shel Maala Presents: Three Keys
This class dives into a mystical teaching from Taanit about the three keys held by HaShem.
Shel Maala's intro to binyanim!